We've all seen it—someone makes a comment on social media and all hell breaks loose. What ensues is a proverbial knock-down or drag out comment war with no structure, rules or decency. Opinions get muddled, friends are offended, and no real discussion has taken place. However dysfunctional these debates can be, they are often interesting topics, worthy of discussion but in a more civilized format.
Enter Chew the Fat (or, as we call it, CTF!)
CTF is a website solely dedicated to debating. People want to know other people's opinions. People want to share. We wanted to create a space for that. At CTF, debates are clearly presented and it is easy to see one side's opinions vs. another's. CTF is a platform where dissension is encouraged and even celebrated—a place where debate is expected rather than interruptive—like it can be on Facebook or Twitter.
So get going and start a debate! Or if you're a little nervous to jump right in, view what others are discussing and start participating. Remember, we at CTF certainly believe in freedom of speech, but we also subscribe to the ethos, "Be kind to your neighbor." Check out CTF's rules of etiquette for more about how to conduct yourself in a debate.
Note: As Chew the Fat is still in its beta version, it is best viewed on desktop. However, it should still work on tablet and mobile devices. If you come across any issues, please let us know.